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  1.由and连接两个或两个以上的并列主语时, 若不是指同一人或物, 谓语动词要用复数形式。


  The woman and her husband work in the same office.那个妇女和她丈夫在同一个办公室工作。


  Wang Gang and Zhang Hua were here.王刚和张华曾在这里。


  My brother and I have seen the film.我和哥哥已看过这部影片。


  注:如果and连接的两个名词是指同一个人或同一个概念时, 谓语动词则用单数形式。


  The poet and writer has made us a report on Chinese literature.




  His doctor and friend,Black Smith,was with him a this death.




  Bread and butter is my favourite food.面包加奶油是我最喜欢吃的食品。


  2.作主语的名词后有as well as,with,together with,except,along.with等引导的短语时,主语的数不受这些短语的影响,谓语动词和第一个主语保持一致。


  The fact,together with what I have heard,proves him right.




  A woman with two children is sitting at the gate.一位妇女带着两个孩子正坐在大门口。


  The teacher as well as the students was present at the meeting.




  The two workers as well as the factory director were present at the meeting.




  Nobody but Jane knows the secret.除了简没有人知道这个秘密。


  3.主语为“plenty of,lots of,alt of等以及half,most,some,all,no等+名词”作主语时,主语的数取决于名词的数,谓语动词的数随该名词而定。


  Half hist me is spent on reading books.他的时间一半是花在了读书上。


  Half hi weekends are spent in the county.他的周末一半是在乡下度过的。


  A lot of people are waiting for him.许多人在等他。


  A lot of water is in the bottle.瓶子里有很多水。


  4.politics,maths,news,phys cs等以:结尾的名词,并不是复数,其谓语动词要用单数。


  The news is inspiring.这消息令人受到鼓舞。


  Maths is her strong point.数学是她的专长。


  Physics is one of the most difficult subjects for me.物理是我感到最难的科目之一。


  “Politics is much more difficult than physics,”said Einstein.“政治比物理难得多,”爱因斯坦说。




  Your scissors are very sharp.你的剪刀很快。


  The leather goods are of good quality.这些皮革制品质量很好。


  Where are my spectacles?我的眼镜在哪儿?




  The family are sitting at the breakfast table.一家人都坐在早饭桌旁。


  My family is large.我的家是个大家庭。


  Our group are reading newspapers.我们组的人正在读报纸。


  This group is having a meeting.这个组正在开会。


  His family is going to move.他的家要搬了。


  My family are fond of films.我家人都喜欢电影。


  The committee consists of twelve members.这个委员会由12个人组成。


  The committee are having a meeting to discuss an important problem.






  The Chinese people are brave and hard working.中国人民勤劳而勇敢。


  The police are looking for the missing child of Comrade Zhang's.警察在寻找张同志丢失的小孩。


  The militia are drilling on the drill ground.民兵正在练兵场操练。


  The cattle are grazing in the fields.牛正在田里吃草。


  There area lot of poultry on the farm.农场里有很多家禽。




  A deer is grown in the research centre.研究中心养着一只鹿。


  Lots of deer are grown in the research centre.研究中心养着许多只鹿。


  A sheep is grazing on the mountain.一只羊正在山上吃草。


  Many sheep are on the grass.许多羊在草地上。


  8.不定代词anyone,anybody,anything,everyone,everybody,everything,someone,somebody,some-thing,no one,nobody,nothing,each,the other等作主语时,谓语动词用单数。


  Is anybody at home?有人在家吗?


  Is there anything in the box?盒子里有什么东西吗?


  There is nobody in the house.屋里没有人。


  Someone is knocking at the door.有人在敲门。


  Nobody knows about it.没有人知道这件事。


  Each of us knows what the others think.我们每个人都知道别人想什么。


  9.如果either..or, neither..nor.no tony...but also等连接两个或两个以上的名词作主语时,谓语动词应和最近的一个主语一致。


  Either the boy or the girl has no difficulty.男孩和女孩都没有困难。


  Either you or I am going to pick her up.不是你去接她, 就是我去。


  Neither the children nor their father was in the car.




  Neither he nor I have done it.他和我都没有做完。


  Not only my sisters but also my brother listens to the English broadcast on the radio everyday.




  10.在there和here引导的包子中, 主语不止一个时, 谓语动词和其最近的主语一致。


  There is a farmer, a cow and three sheep in the field.田地里有一个农民、一头牛和三只羊。


  There is a platform and many chairs in the meeting room.会议室里有一个主席台和许多椅子。


  There are three sheep, a cow and a farmer in the field.田地里有三只羊、一头牛和一个农民。








  Three and four is(are) seven.


  Three plus four equals(equal) seven.


  Three and four makes(make) seven.


  4x5=20 Four times five is twenty.




  The Arabian Nights is a popular reading with the young people.




  The Selected Short Novels has been published by the People's Publishing House.






